Registrar Training
The practice has been training general practice registrars for over twenty-five years. Dr Laycock is the approved trainer and has been training in the practice since 2002. We are more than happy to discuss the registrar post with any potential registrar. If you wish to contact us please ring Dr Laycock at the surgery.
We operate a learner centred approach to our registrars. When starting the period of training there is an introductory week that allows the registrar to adjust to the change from hospital to community practice. Consultation times start long and are reduced in consultation with the registrar as they become more confident. (Consultation times for the partners are 15 minutes and the registrar is not expected to reduce below this figure). Registrars are at all times encouraged to seek help when needed during the surgery or after and all partners are open to questions.
Tutorials occur three times a week for an hour in protected teaching time. These are based on an assessment of the learning needs of the individual registrar and not only use the skills of the partners but all members of the practice team when indicated.
The practice is linked to the Shropshire vocational training scheme and is part of the West Midlands Deanery.
We are more than happy to discuss the registrar post with any potential registrar. If you wish to contact us please ring Dr Jutsum at the surgery.
Medical Students
The practice has been taking 5th and 3rd year medical students since 2003, initially from Manchester and more recently from Keele University, for their community practice module. In addition more recently we are taking 3rd and 4th year students for their SSM module. The mentor for medical students is Dr Walsh, although teaching and supervision is given by all other partners. We are a small friendly practice and see the function of the modules not only as a way to integrate and build on your general medical knowledge, but as an introduction into community medicine and working in the team structure of general practice. If any student wishes to discuss a potential placement further please contact Dr Walsh at the surgery.